Banner Document Management (BDM)

For those departments who used FRED for documents management in the past, this is to inform you that those FRED documents have been successfully converted into the Banner Document Management (BDM) system.  The BDM has more usage capabilities than FRED and has now become the college’s certified records storage unit.  Consequently, the certification process challenge for any department with paper records is welcomed to try the process provided the department follows the stipulations below:

 First, only records with established retention schedules (general or specific) can go through the certification process. So if you don't know whether your particular records are covered by a schedule, please talk to the Institutional Records Analyst first about a retention schedule.

Second, the department has to "ensure the production of appropriate indexes or other finding aids that will provide access to the information contained in the records" (SCDAH, Leaflet no.13, 1) scanned into FRED. The BDM has the means for departments to add the appropriate indexes pertaining to their records.

Third, the department has to "certify that the digital image records have been visually inspected and are legible and correct"(SCDAH, Leaflet n.13, 5).  This will be BDM quality control.

Last, but not the least, such a department has to obtain the authorization for disposal of the original paper records in advance by filling out the Authorization For Disposal of Original Paper Records Stored As Digital Images Form. The institutional Records Analyst will submit and coordinate this form with the SCDAH for the department. Requirements 2-4 and 6 of the quoted leaflet have been provided by ACTS and submitted to SCDAH.

However, if a departmental use of BDM is just for the ease of file- sharing, such a department can continue with their usual practice and follow their retention schedules for their original records accordingly.

Note: Before making your final decision on this, please review very carefully the attached information about electronic records management guidelines issued by the SCDAH as well as leaflet 13 and be conversant and comfortable with all the ramifications of your decision before you proceed. There are a lot of responsibilities that come with this including legal issues.  If you have any questions about the information attached please refer them to the Records Analyst.

Leaflet 13
Electronic Records Guidelines